Saturday, May 12, 2012

I'm Nesting

I'm on a hunt for two things at this present moment.  For our paper work I need everyone's birth certificate and our marriage license.   I don't have the license or my birth certificate.  I have searched all over but in every place I search I feel the need to clean it  out.  I don't want to tackle the hope chest but that's my last possibility.

I remember feeling this way before the kids where born.....this need to throw things out and rearrange.  Right now I have project ADD.  J and I joke that I have cleaners ADD, but I think it has carried over.  I need to complete the rocking chair but the crib is calling to me to be sanded.  When I walk into the house the office that will be turned into a play room is saying, "Fix me!, Change me!".  But before I do that I really need to change Princess to her new room so I can get her (new)  room and the new kiddo room all ready.

Oh wait......what's that?'s the rocking chair.....I gotta go......

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